impact in healthcare

Oliver’s campaign

Unanima is supplying learning disabled artists and activists to co-deliver the Oliver McGowan training within Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust. Accompanied by Unanima Access Mentors, the artists and activists are working hard to develop their skills and tell their stories to help towards the massive changes that this important campaign is achieving.

NHS simulation learning

Though there has been a growing trend of medic in training engaging in live simulations as part of their development, learning disabled patients have been played by non-disabled actors. Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust are vowing to change this and working with Unanima to do so. The Simulation team in the trust, led by the brilliant Jonathan Wright, are working hard to bring authentic experiences to all that the trust are training and that learning disabled people are properly represented.

University teaching days

Activists from OneConversation are now a regular feature on the teaching programmes for the Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at the University of Nottingham, University of Lincoln, University of Leicester. They deliver sessions on the experiences of having a learning disability and / or autism, and on adaptations required to make psychotherapy accessible to those with with cognitive impairments, and those who are neurodivergent.